Internal Smart Number Features

Create a contact in your phone:
Name: "BMP Bot"
Phone #: 928-377-4751


To send a message choose one or more of the prefixes separated by a comma, type a colon, and then type your message to be sent.

Everyone who matches the prefix entered will receive the text message from our "BMP Bot" phone number and will include a prefix showing "YourName, YourCell" as a new prefix sender ID.

Example of received messages:
David Queen, 9285303283: Hey Team!

(Type the prefix exactly as shown, including the colon.)

(name) = Full Name
(firstname) = First Name*BMP%20Bot%20Prefix%20Chart*png?alt=media&token=9e9b953f-785a-4d07-aa86-2a496c298571


The BMP Bot can be used for many smart responses that help you get the information you need right away.

Some Examples:
➠ Retrieve a list of BMP Team Members. (All, By City, By State, or Variance)
➠ Retrieve contact information for BMP Team Members. (All, By City, By State, or Variance)
➠ Retrieve your Agent Attraction Pipeline (recruiting list)
➠ Get Support
➠ Get Training
➠ Get Required Documents

Receive an automatic text back from BMP Bot within 1 minute of sending your request.

Example of Keyword Smart Response Sent to BMP Bot:
(BMP Network)

** You must type the Keyword in Parentheses*BMP%20Bot%20Smart%20Responses*png?alt=media&token=26dbc9c8-cdb1-461d-ab86-15d9594d2282

Agent Attraction:

Contacts listed on your Agent Attraction Pipeline Report will receive an automated text message from our BMP Bot phone number. When these contacts text or call the BMP Bot phone number it will be routed directly to YOU!

➠ Text your Agent Attraction Pipeline contacts by typing their Full Name and a colon.

David Queen: Hey David!

➠ Text ALL of your Agent Attraction Pipeline contacts by typing “All FirstName LastName:” and then your message.

All David Queen: Have you watched The Model Explained video I sent?

This enables you to reach all of your Agent Attraction Pipeline with one bulk text! Quickly and easily stay in touch with your recruiting leads.

(name) = Full Name
(firstname) = First Name

Other Features:

➠ Text the BMP Bot any other basic text message for and someone from our Administrative team will get back to you ASAP!

➠ Receive daily/weekly reminders for meetings, recruiting follow-ups, hot lead follow-ups, and Level 1 communication.

➠ Call your Agent Attraction Pipeline (recruits) from the BMP Bot phone number. Simple use the prefix "Call:" and then type the phone number of the recruit you wish to call and BMP Bot will connect you.

➠ Personalization
(name) = Full Name
(firstname) = First Name
David Queen - eXp Realty


All Rights Reserved
David Queen